Original Watercolor of Dunbar School By Dunbar Alumnus, Dr. Virginia Belle Hill Ricard
Dr. Virginia Ricard of Ft. Collins, Colorado, attended Dunbar School from kindergarten to eighth grade and she has many fond memories of her time there. Dr. Ricard began painting at age 90. She calls herself the “Grandma Moses” painter of the Midwest. Although she has a vision impairment, she still finds joy in sharing her paintings with family and friends by making her watercolor prints into holiday cards and notecards.
When Dr. Ricard learned of the upcoming Dunbar School 100th Anniversary Celebration, she wanted to contribute to the exciting event. She offered her painting to the alumni association and encouraged members to use it as they saw fit.
The alumni association asked Dr. Ricard for permission to reprint her watercolor rendition of Dunbar School and offer a limited number of copies to alumni and friends for a donation to the Dunbar School Alumni Association/Robert C. Caldwell Memorial Scholarship Fund.
This project was funded by the Horizons Grant Program of the Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation. Funding is provided by Horizons, a private donor group.