Executive Commitee & Board Members
President - Kirk L. Holt
Vice-President - Hewitt E. B. Gordon
Secretary - Dr. Jennifer J. Gordon
Treasurer - Patrick S. Parker
Historian - Oliver D. Green
Board Members at Large
Dr. Karina Yager
Kaye Prim
Elizabeth Wilson​
Dunbar School Alumni Association, Inc.
The Dunbar School Alumni Association, Inc., was formed in June of 1993 to preserve and promote the special legacy that was and is Dunbar. This legacy is embodied in a living statement by those who graduated from, attended or were touched by Dunbar School. The need to promote educational achievement, strength of character, and positive self-esteem is as real today, perhaps more so, as it was in 1922. This uniquely segregated educational experiment produced a quality of achievement, character, and productivity that appears to be a passing value today and Dunbar passed into history after the 1955-56 school year.
Dunbar Alumni Association Mission Statement
"The Association through its endeavors, seeks to preserve this positive historical legacy of Dunbar, and in some meaningful manner pass this important legacy to youth of present and future generations."